
Using primarily natural materials, I work diversely across animation, drawing, film, textiles, and ceramics. Drawing from practices of wildcrafting, somatics, improvisation, ecological consciousness, and sustainability, I engage with the expressiveness of landscape, and the sensing body as it exists in connection with the patterns and processes of nature. 

My work is interested in the symbiotic relationships between the environment and the anatomy of the living. I investigate metamorphosis through transformation / animation of the material world, repetition, and depictions of life-forms inhabiting in-between states. Though intuition, my practice aims to explore life as a plurality, where self is a vehicle for larger ecological continuities. 

Process is a primary consideration in my work. Often without an overview, I aim to cultivate embodied intuition as a means of guiding the work into form. Placing value on vitality, I allow the work to transform as it grows embracing impulse-driven and of-the-moment decision making.


Jeff Mann is a multidisciplinary artist based in Tio’tia:ke / Mooniyang / Montréal, QC. He has participated in group and solo exhibitions across eastern Canada, most notably at Galerie Sans Nom, Struts and Faucet Media Arts Center, Imago, and the Owens Art Gallery. His films have also been presented in festivals and venues around Canada such as GIRAF Fest, Les Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Toronto 8 Fest, and at FLUX Media Art Gallery. He has participated in residencies at the Banff Centre, Struts and Faucet Media Arts Centre, & Ayatana's Biophilium. His work has been supported by various grants from ArtsNB.

Contact :: jmann050@gmail.com